8 Lies ALL Narcissists Tell

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And unfortunately, if you’ve been there, and I’m going to guess you have, you know where this ends. And with a narcissist, it never gets better; it only gets worse. If they have devalued you, if they have discarded you, if they have used you as a punching bag, it’s going to be so much easier for them to do it in the future, and they will. But even before it gets to that point, you may notice some variation of this in what we call ‘future-faking.’

So, this is when a narcissist will promise you everything that you want. In a romantic relationship, the narcissist promises to work towards a goal of marriage and children, making the relationship close to it. They will always present a carrot, making the person unwilling to leave, even if things are bad. They’re going to get better, except they’re not.

Number 5, ‘I’m the most honest person’

Strange Traits of People Mentally Abused By Narcissists

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