15 Mind-Blowing Psychological Facts You Need to Know

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Psychological Facts You Need to Know

The study of the mind and behavior has been ongoing for decades, offering us glimpses into why we act and think the way we do. Although there is still much to discover, some study findings are truly intriguing and can explain certain behaviors you might observe in yourself or others. Buckle up for an exciting psychological journey as we explore 15 facts that will blow your mind!

1. Plan B May Sabotage Plan A

Ever heard that having a backup plan is wise? While planning ahead is smart, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that having a Plan B might actually reduce your chances of succeeding at Plan A. This phenomenon is linked to Expectancy Theory, which suggests that our motivation is tied to our expectations of success. When we know we have a fallback option, our drive to make the first plan work diminishes. So, stay focused on Plan A and save Plan B for dire situations.

2. Yawning is Contagious and Empathic

Have you ever yawned right after seeing someone else yawn? This isn’t just a coincidence. Yawning is contagious, and one theory suggests it’s tied to empathy. Individuals who exhibit higher levels of empathy are more likely to “catch” a yawn. Interestingly, young children and those on the autism spectrum, who may have different empathic responses, are less likely to respond to a yawn.

3. Individual Stories Trump Large-Scale Tragedies

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