10 Secrets ALL Narcissists Keep

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Narcissists know you’ll figure them out eventually. While most don’t realize they’re narcissists, they know something is off and fear being exposed. As you get closer to them, the abuse ramps up. They might use silent treatment, rage, or smear campaigns to protect themselves.

Secret #7 – What love means to a narcissist

Narcissists don’t understand love. To them, all relationships are transactional. Their “love” is addiction to your affection and the ego boost it gives them. They will proclaim their undying devotion one day and discard you the next.

Secret #8 – Are you special to a narcissist?

To a narcissist, no one is really special. People are tools to serve their ego. They shower you with praise one minute and toss you out the next. They don’t value you for your worth, only for what you can do for them.

Secret #9 – How easy it is to hurt a narcissist

It’s incredibly easy to hurt a narcissist. Their egos are bloated yet fragile. Small acts of resistance can provoke a major narcissistic rage. Saying no or setting a boundary wounds their grandiose self-image, prompting them to want to hurt you back.

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