ONLY Narcissistic Abuse Survivors Do These Things

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Obsessively checking locks is a response to feeling unsafe. In the narcissistic environment, there was a constant lack of control and safety, leading to obsessive behaviors as your brain tries to ensure your safety.

Behavior 6: Preferring to Be Alone

You may prefer to be alone because of social anxiety, a lack of trust, and an aversion to shallow interactions. The betrayal by the narcissist has made it hard for you to trust others and engage in small talk, making you seek deeper, more meaningful connections.

These behaviors, though seemingly strange, are normal trauma responses. They are adaptations to the environment you experienced. To heal, intense trauma work is needed, which involves going to the origin of these emotions and working through them. For more guidance, you can refer to my program “Heal After Narcissistic Abuse in Five Practical Steps,” which provides a comprehensive approach to healing and becoming your authentic self.

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