How Do You Know if a Narcissist is Finished with You?

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Narcissists don’t perceive negative attention as a bad thing. Instead, it gives them ammo—they know how to spin it, exploit it, and ultimately use it against you. It may happen so quickly you don’t even realize it’s happening.

What are the Signs a Narcissist is Done with You?

If you type this question into a search engine, you will stumble upon many thoughtful responses. You’ll read about how they will stop talking to you or ghost you altogether. You may come across some stories of narcissists replacing you with someone else. At first glance, these answers may seem promising, but here’s the problem with these anecdotes: most of them just aren’t helpful because most of them aren’t really addressing the truly dark nature of narcissistic behavior.

The only real indication that a narcissist is finished is when you no longer leave a crack open for them to weasel their way in. Narcissists rarely let people go, at least not in the conventional sense. Even if they seemingly move on to someone or something else, they still want power and control over you. They still want to know that you’ll come running back at a moment’s notice.

How Many Times Will a Narcissist Come Back?

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