So, just like the demonic feeds off the pain and suffering of the human race, and quite frankly, other sentient beings as well, destructive narcissists operate in the very same way. And let’s not kid ourselves—there is a connection, friends.
People who go through life deliberately committing serious relationship crimes—again, no matter how passively or aggressively that might be—going out of their way to bait and provoke, going out of their way to upset you, going out of their way to cause you discomfort, harm, or serious pain while stirring up all manner of chaos, trauma, and drama so they can then literally siphon the vital life force from your very being. This kind of thinking and behavior is not only a clear indication of a person having high narcissistic traits, it is fully demonstrative of a destructive narcissist’s personality pattern. And this includes, by the way, their astonishing sense of entitlement and colossal lack of empathy.
So with all of that said, suffice it to say, when you go silent on a narcissist—and not in a passive-aggressive, game-playing, attention-seeking way like the narcissist uses the silent treatment to punish, manipulate, control, or hurt you—I don’t mean like that. What I mean is when you go silent from a place of absolute certainty and clarity, or as close to it as you can manage, even if that’s simply sheer determination to finally choose better for yourself. When you go silent from a place of courage, confidence, and strength, and clearly communicate in that way that the narcissist is absolutely insignificant and is of no consequence to you. When you have that kind of attitude, when you go silent from that place with solid boundaries in place, completely certain, in a way that communicates that there is no narcissistic supply to be had here.
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