6 Major Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

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 Narcissists will try to evoke sympathy out of you to hook you back. As empaths, it’s hard to resist not helping someone you once loved, even if that person treated you poorly. If you are that kind of person, you will fall prey. You will fall into the trap of the narcissist very easily, and you have to be really strong and do not fall for the trap. There is nothing in it for you except more pain and abuse.

 You have to confront yourself and realize that you are not responsible for helping or healing every single person who is broken. If the narcissist really needs help, they will find someone else to provide it for them. And whether this is true or not, you should stay away from the narcissist if you want to truly heal, get better, and move on with your life and thrive.

 Stay no contact. Never go back to a narcissist and stay safe, because narcissists can become violent and dangerous when they realize it’s over and reality sinks in that they have been rejected. They do not take rejection well. So be careful, even if you let the narcissist down easily.

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