Narcissists Will Lose their Minds if You Do These 10 Things

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Calling a narcissist out on their inappropriate behavior is another trigger. Narcissists really dislike criticism, especially if it’s merited and well-deserved, because it evokes one of the most difficult emotions for them to process: shame. According to Dr. Ramani Durvasula, calling out a narcissistic person on their behavior, particularly in front of others, can fill them with shame, resulting in anger, deflection, blame-shifting, and endless tirades about how they are being victimized. However, as Dr. Durvasula notes, calling them out on their egocentric, entitled, aggressive, or passive-aggressive behavior is unlikely to result in any change, especially if done in private, because narcissists are not likely to listen to anything that threatens their ego.

Number 7: Pinging Their Insecurities

Pointing out a narcissist’s particular insecurity can also provoke a strong reaction. The more grandiose a narcissist’s defenses are, the more insecure they are likely to be at their core. They may be insecure about their looks, intelligence, status, money, popularity, or any other area of life judged by superficial standards. Since narcissists are completely fixated on manifestations of these superficial qualities, they can easily enter into a shame-based rage fit if you point out their deficits in these areas. While more benign narcissists might be vapid and superficial, the more malignant types can be psychologically or physically dangerous, which is why it is advisable not to provoke them.

Number 6: Not Arguing With Them

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