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How does a narcissist triangulate you with their other supply? - Page 4 of 4 - narcissistic behavior

How does a narcissist triangulate you with their other supply?

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Eventually, a point comes in the relationship where you would rather be hated and ignored than see the narcissist loving the other supply. You want the narcissist to separate themselves from the new supply, even if it means being hated, being heavily targeted by the narcissist. This is how they destroy your mental state. They never let you be at peace, regardless of the dynamic or setting. There’s always a chase, always a push-and-pull, hot-and-cold dynamic. You have to beg for the scraps, the bare minimum—if that. Even the bare minimum is often missing, and you’re left to settle for breadcrumbs. You have to make a whole meal out of the occasional crumb they throw at you.

That’s what happens to your needs through this comparison and triangulation they create. In a nutshell, I would say that the love triangle in a narcissistic relationship is not just any love triangle—it is, in my opinion, a Bermuda Triangle. Worse than that, even. Anything that passes through it sinks, disappears, and never comes back. That’s what happens to your love, your self-worth, your self-esteem, and your confidence because of the constant comparisons, back-and-forth, and competition.

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