6 Ways a Narcissist Uses Sleep To Cheat On You

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Narcissists have a criminal ability to weaponize anything they can think of to make a fool out of you and get what they want. They use your emotions and feelings to manipulate your behavior and decision-making process. When weaponizing these things against you, they do not stop at emotions, feelings, and thoughts. They stoop so low as to drive you crazy. One of the things they use against you is their own sleep. They will come up with issues they are having with their sleep, or they might sleep in a different place, go to bed early, or make significant changes to their sleeping patterns. You may think they are genuinely having issues, as they present it to you, but behind your back, they could be cheating on you. Yes, that’s right—narcissists use sleep to cheat on you and escape accountability. Let’s understand how in today’s episode.

1. They Come Up With Bizarre Excuses Related to Their Sleep and Phone

When you try to hold them accountable for why they didn’t pick up the phone or why they weren’t present, instead of taking responsibility, they might say, “I was sleeping,” “I had a bad day,” “I was really tired,” “I had to turn off my phone by 6 PM,” or “I had to put it on flight mode because I didn’t want to be disturbed.” The truth is, they were in the shower getting ready while their phone was on flight mode, preparing to meet their new supply, and you were left thinking they were asleep. This is how they manipulate you with their phone. They might redirect calls or create technical loops where calls are routed through different numbers, ultimately leaving you wondering if they were out of network or if something happened to their phone. They might claim, “My phone died,” “I lost my phone,” or other excuses when, in reality, they were treating the new person just as they treated you in the beginning, completely disregarding you and focusing on their new supply.

2. They Fake Sleep on the Couch

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