6 Ways a Narcissist Uses Sleep To Cheat On You

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They might fake sleep on the couch so they don’t have to sneak out of bed during the night. How bizarre is that? Narcissists often communicate with their new supply in places and at times when you’re not around. One such place is the bathroom. They love the bathroom not only for taking selfies (if they are a grandiose narcissist) but also because it gives them the privacy they need to cheat. They might spend hours there, faking sleep on the couch. If you ask them to come to bed with you, they’ll act all drowsy and pretend not to hear you, only to wake up full of energy once you’ve gone to sleep, texting others without any concern for how hurt you would be if you found out.

3. They Act Tired and Hang Up on You

They might act tired and hang up on you or disconnect the call, saying they need to sleep or can’t focus on the conversation. If this is a long-distance relationship, where you get to talk only occasionally, you may find them making excuses right in the moment. They might say, “I am dead tired from work today,” or “I had a bad day at work,” only to leave you feeling hurt because you’ve been waiting all day for this conversation. It’s not just escapism—they don’t go to sleep after disconnecting. Instead, they use another phone or another means of communication to connect with others behind your back.

4. They Fake Falling Asleep

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