7 Things Narcissists Do When They’re Alone

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Narcissists spend a significant amount of time thinking about themselves and their accomplishments, and when they are alone, they may engage in activities that feed their ego. They fantasize about success, replay past achievements, and indulge in grandiose fantasies about obtaining something or someone that will make them feel happy and worthy of everyone’s admiration. While engaging in self-admiration, they often reach out to others via text or phone to brag and get external validation.

3: Social Media

When a narcissist is alone, social media tends to be their best way to hunt for supply. They may spend time on social media platforms for self-promotion, seeking validation, compliments, and praise. They frequently post content highlighting their accomplishments or material possessions to affirm their self-worth. Narcissists may message people, flirt, love bomb, or fish for compliments. They may leave comments on posts to draw attention to themselves, create chaos or drama, or even insult others to assert their dominance and boost their ego. However, social media can also fuel their insecurities as they become envious of others showcasing their perfect lives.

4: Planning & Scheming

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