What Narcissists Do When A Relationship Ends

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Relationships can end for many reasons, but in a normal relationship, both parties are typically willing to own up to and be accountable for their role in the relationship’s demise. However, this is where relationships with narcissists are different. When a relationship ends with a narcissist, they are never at fault.

So, what will all narcissists do when a relationship ends? They will blame the other person for the relationship falling apart. Even if they try to appear reasonable by accepting a small percentage of the blame, the majority of it will be placed on the other person. This is always the case, whether the narcissist discarded you or you discarded them.

In the narcissist’s eyes, the other person made things unbearable, which is why they had to discard them. Or the other person was “crazy” or “selfish,” which is why the narcissist had to leave. The narrative is always the same. For some strange reason, the narcissist always seems to end up with partners or people who aren’t right or are mentally unstable. In their version of the story, they’re either the “good guy” or the helpless victim who just can’t seem to find someone to love them the way they deserve. If you meet someone who blames all of their exes for the relationship ending, that’s a huge red flag.

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