How do Narcissists treat Pets?

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I’ve personally experienced this with my own pets. One of the most heartbreaking memories I have involves my cat Bella. When I was living with my narcissistic parents, there was a day when Bella suddenly started limping. After some investigation, I learned that my father had thrown something heavy at her, injuring her leg. It wasn’t the first time he had abused my pets. He had done similar things to previous pets, throwing objects at them for no reason.

I was helpless as a child, and it broke my heart to see my pets in pain. Unfortunately, this is a common pattern in narcissistic households. Narcissists don’t have empathy, and they see animals as nothing more than tools to manipulate or sources of frustration.

In summary, narcissists abuse animals in ways that are beyond cruel. They use them for narcissistic supply or target them when they feel threatened. It’s important to recognize this behavior for what it is—an extension of their abuse. They can never have a healthy relationship with a pet.

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