The Dangerous Games of the Covert Narcissist

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Next is feigning compassion and empathy. Covert narcissists are masters at pretending to be empathetic and compassionate when it suits their agenda. They might go out of their way to help others, especially if they’re in public or when others are watching, to craft an image of themselves as kind-hearted and selfless. However, this display is often hollow, driven by a need for admiration and approval rather than genuine concern. Usually, you will be able to feel that their empathy is inauthentic. If someone’s acts of kindness seem performative or are only shown in public, while they are cold or indifferent in private, they might be feigning compassion. True empathy is consistent and not limited to moments where it can be witnessed by others.

Next, they love playing the intellectual superior. Covert narcissists often present themselves as intellectually superior to others, subtly belittling the intelligence or ideas of those around them. They might do this by using complex language, quoting obscure references, or questioning others in a way that makes them feel inadequate or ignorant. This is a way of asserting dominance and maintaining control in relationships. If someone consistently makes you feel inferior or unintelligent, or if they always have to be the smartest person in the room, they may be using intellectual superiority to manipulate and control. This behavior often leaves others feeling belittled or doubting their own abilities.

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