5 Signs You Don’t Have Evil Energy Like That Narcissist

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Yes, at first, it may seem like a candy show—being the “Disneyland parent.” But eventually, the child sees through the mask and becomes disgusted by their reality. On the other hand, with you, children feel they can be themselves. They can be angry, sad, or happy, and they know they will be accepted. That’s what makes you different from the narcissist.

2. Narcissistic and Toxic People Are Attracted to You

I’m not saying you attract them; they are attracted to you because you offer what they need for survival. I’m talking about your goodness, empathy, compassion, kindness—everything you are as a human being, which they take for granted. Or should I say, they want you to take it for granted so they can openly take advantage of you.

These toxic individuals exist in every part of your life. They are in your family, your workplace, and your social circles. This may make you wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why am I attracting so many narcissists?” But the truth is, nothing is wrong with you. They are coming after you because they want what’s inside you. That’s why you need to have energetic boundaries.

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