5 Things A Female Covert Narcissist Will Never Admit

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4. Apologizing for Poor Behavior

This apology might sound like:
“I admit I lied and deceived you throughout our relationship. When you tried to confront me, I used defense mechanisms to avoid accountability and keep you loyal. The truth is, I never had any loyalty to you. I saw you as replaceable and disposable, a servant who would let me get away with anything as long as I maintained my intricate web of lies and cover-ups. You didn’t deserve to be treated so badly, but because of my disorder, I easily justified my actions.”

A narcissist won’t own up to their deceit, whether it’s instinctive or malicious. Understanding their web of deception helps you see that the relationship was built on lies, not love, and that your sense of obligation was misplaced.

5. Admitting to Gaslighting

In this hypothetical world, the narcissist might say:
“Yes, I manipulated situations to confuse you, made you doubt yourself, and ensured my needs were always prioritized. I made you feel like you were at fault even when you weren’t. Sometimes, I secretly messed with your things to make you think you were losing your mind. I smiled and acted like everything was fine, even when I was plotting against you.”

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