How To Be Calm With a Narcissist | Step by Step

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You can also use self-hypnosis techniques. Tell yourself, “I’m safe right now. The control is in my hands.” Intentionally blink 20 to 30 times to refocus. Acknowledge your emotions without judgment—validate your anger, sadness, or fear instead of running away from them.

The second step is to adopt a dispassionately curious observer mindset. Once calm, view the narcissist as a clown performing silly tricks, which can help reduce the seriousness of the situation. Ask yourself what they’re actually saying. For example, when they project insecurities onto you, recognize that it’s their shame, not yours. Remain objective and refuse to accept their reality as your own.

This process takes time. Don’t judge yourself if you struggle at first; consistency is key. With practice, you can retrain your brain to respond differently.

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