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Narcissists 8 Favorite Catchphrases Spot Them a Mile Away - Page 3 of 3 - narcissistic behavior

Narcissists 8 Favorite Catchphrases Spot Them a Mile Away

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Narcissists are pathologically envious, even if they hide it well. Inspiring jealousy in others gives them narcissistic supply. For instance, a narcissistic parent may create praise triangles between children to keep them competing for attention. If you find yourself feeling insecure due to unfair treatment, recognize that this is a tactic to destabilize you and keep you from leaving.

Number six: “You have trust issues.

When you start picking up on their untrustworthy behavior, they may accuse you of having trust issues. Your instincts are probably spot-on, but the narcissist wants you to doubt yourself rather than see their betrayal for what it is.

Number seven: “Who would believe you?

The narcissist may isolate you or undermine your credibility so that others are less likely to believe your version of events. When you walk away, they’re free to spread whatever narrative serves them best. Our job is to focus on loving ourselves, healing, and creating a life where their opinion no longer matters.

Number eight: “Who’s gonna want you?

Variations include, “You’ll never find someone like me,” or “No one else will put up with you.” This tactic is meant to keep you feeling trapped. The truth is, if you never meet someone like the narcissist again, that would be a good thing. You bring a lot of positive qualities to the table, and the right people will see that.

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