Texting Patterns of Narcissistic Abuse Survivor

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Why do you hyperanalyze texts? It’s because you lived in a constant state of hypervigilance. You’re always on high alert, trying to uncover the hidden meaning behind the words. In your relationship with a narcissist, nothing was clear—everything was foggy, manipulated, and deceitful. They would say one thing and do the opposite, later denying their words or actions. You overanalyze emojis, punctuation, and tone to try to discern the other person’s true intentions.

You also reread messages repeatedly, wanting to prepare for the worst. With the narcissist, a couple of texts—or silence—could trigger a massive fight or the dreaded silent treatment. Your brain now perceives the same threat with everyone, making you anxious about every interaction.

Texting Habit #3: Rereading Old Messages

You reread old messages in search of closure. You want answers, so you revisit past conversations, over and over. This behavior stems from cognitive dissonance—the inner conflict you experienced in the relationship. One part of you knew you were dealing with a toxic person, but another part clung to hope, focusing on the good memories. When you look back at those texts now, you may see them differently. What once seemed sweet may now reveal manipulation and gaslighting.

You weren’t stupid—you were spellbound and trauma-bonded. Now that you’ve gained clarity, you can see through their tactics.

Texting Habit #4: Obsessively Waiting for a Reply

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