5 Disturbing Texting Habits of Narcissists That Will Mess With Your Mind

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Narcissists often rely on texting as a key tool to maintain control over you and secure a constant flow of attention and validation, especially when they can’t be physically present. Through their often strange and manipulative texting habits, they work to keep you under their thumb. In this article, we’ll explore five weird texting behaviors narcissists use to exert control, leaving you confused and emotionally drained.

1. They Text You Whenever They Want – Demanding Constant Attention

One of the most frustrating habits of a narcissist is texting you incessantly, at any time they please, without any regard for your boundaries or schedule. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a meeting, spending time with loved ones, or even asleep—what matters to the narcissist is keeping your attention focused on them at all times.

Why? A narcissist believes they own you. They expect your attention, and any time spent away from them feels like a betrayal in their eyes. This constant demand can leave you feeling anxious and hooked to your phone, always on edge, waiting for the next message. Early in the relationship, this intense texting might seem flattering, but it’s really a way for the narcissist to trap you. Once you’re hooked, they often shift gears, leaving you in an anxious state, craving the attention they once gave so freely.

2. They Make You Feel Ignored by Not Responding

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