Why Narcissists Are So Cruel To You But Kind To Everyone Else

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Narcissistic abuse often happens because we are, at some level, emotionally underdeveloped, relying on external validation for our sense of self. Narcissistic abuse gives us the opportunity to heal these wounds, to grow into whole, self-actualized individuals who no longer depend on others for love and approval. Once we achieve this, we can attract healthy relationships and walk away from those that do not serve us.

Self-partnering—learning to meet our own emotional needs—does not mean becoming isolated. In fact, once you are no longer needy, good, loving people will naturally enter your life. When you become whole, your relationships reflect that wholeness.

I know from personal experience that once you heal, the narcissist’s power over you diminishes. People who once believed the narcissist’s lies often come to see the truth, though by that time, you may no longer need their validation.

Healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey back to yourself. It’s about releasing inner trauma and becoming the person you were always meant to be—whole, complete, and no longer dependent on the approval of others. Once you reach this place, the “street angel, home devil” persona of the narcissist will collapse, and you will find yourself surrounded by love, validation, and support beyond what you ever thought possible.

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