A Narcissist Will FREAK OUT When You Do This!

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2. Pop Their Fantasy Bubble

Narcissists live in their own version of reality, one where their lies are true, and they are the smartest, most important, and most powerful person around. They construct a world in which they are superior to everyone else. When you confront them with the truth, you’re bursting that fantasy bubble.

Be honest, even if it disrupts their delusion. Narcissists don’t want to hear the real truth; they want to hear a version of reality that flatters them. Their logic doesn’t align with the real world. By confronting them with facts and holding them accountable, you make them extremely uncomfortable. They hate facing reality because it threatens the image they’ve built for themselves. Show them how the world really sees them, and they will likely spiral.

3. Expose Them (But With Caution)

Exposing a narcissist’s true nature can indeed make them freak out, but I must include a caveat here: it may not be worth your time or effort. The truth is, you will never be able to convince everyone who the narcissist really is. Even if you expose them, some people will continue to believe the narcissist’s version of events, regardless of how much evidence you present.

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