Body Language of a Narcissistic Abuse Survivor

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When you’ve been terrorized by a narcissist, your body never fully relaxes. You’re always ready, waiting for the next attack or insult. Your muscles stay tense, your senses sharp, and even small noises or raised voices trigger a fight-or-flight response.

This hypervigilance is your body’s way of staying prepared for danger, even after the narcissist is gone. Your body clings to past fears, making it difficult to feel truly safe. A simple disagreement or a raised voice can make your muscles tense and your heart race, as if bracing for confrontation.

This physical response, known as a startle reflex, is a residue of the abuse. You were conditioned to expect volatility. I’ve struggled with this trauma response all my life—one sudden noise, and I jump out of my skin. People have asked me, “What’s wrong? It was just a door closing,” but to my nervous system, it felt like the beginning of chaos.

4. Nervous gestures and fidgeting

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