11 Reasons Why Narcissists Lie About Cheating, Even When You Caught Them in the Act

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Narcissists have fragile egos and fear criticism. They lie to shield themselves from being exposed or judged, twisting the truth to avoid accountability. For them, the goal is to deflect criticism and protect their self-image, even if it means denying something obvious.

8. Fear of Rejection

Despite their outward bravado, many narcissists fear rejection. They lie to avoid the possibility of being abandoned, creating an illusion of perfection to keep you in the relationship. Their fear of being alone drives them to deceive, even when caught in the act.

9. Entitlement

Narcissists believe they’re entitled to lie and cheat without consequences. They see themselves as above the rules and justify their deception because they think they deserve whatever they want, regardless of the impact on others.

10. Fear of Losing Control

Admitting to infidelity means losing control of the situation, something narcissists fear deeply. They thrive on controlling their relationships, and confessing to cheating would strip them of that power, making them vulnerable to consequences they’d rather avoid.

11. Preservation of Multiple Relationships

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