When a Narcissist is Terrified of You, They Will DO THIS

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Narcissists do not just aim to knock down your self-esteem; no, they want to keep you from fulfilling your soul’s purpose—very important. They see your potential, your mission, and they are terrified of it. Whether your purpose is to inspire, heal, create, or uplift others, they know that your light will make an impact on the world around you, and that is a problem for them. You see, narcissists are deeply connected to destructive energies—they’re demonic. They thrive on manipulation, control, and suppression. If you step into your divine calling, if you live out your true purpose, you represent everything they stand against. So what do they do? They sabotage your journey. They keep you entangled in their chaos, creating endless distractions, emotional traps, and unnecessary drama. Every time you focus on their games, you lose precious time that could be spent living your purpose. It is intentional. They want you so consumed with putting out fires that you can’t even think about your dreams. They know that the longer they keep you busy with their mess, the more they delay your rise. And as long as you are distracted, they are safe.

Number Three: They Steal Your Energy

Have you ever noticed how completely exhausted you feel after spending time with a narcissist? That is because they are energy vampires—I’ve said it so many times. They feed off your vitality to keep themselves going. Every interaction, every argument, every moment spent with them is a moment they siphon off your energy to feed their empty soul. The narcissist is like a bottomless pit; they cannot generate their own light or joy, so they have to take yours—simple. But here’s where it gets really bad: they know that when you are drained and depleted, you can’t manifest your full potential. And your potential is the biggest threat to their ego. The more they exhaust you, the less you are able to focus on your dreams, your goals, and your growth. This constant drain isn’t just about control—it’s about survival for them. They need your energy to feel alive, but at the same time, they fear your greatness. Isn’t that crazy? The more tired you are, the less you can shine, and that is exactly what they want—to keep you small, weak, and too fatigued to break free from their grip.

Number Four: They Fill You with Hopelessness and Despair

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