When a Narcissist is Terrified of You, They Will DO THIS

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A narcissist is not satisfied with simply draining your energy; they want to fill you with a deep sense of hopelessness. It’s not enough for them to make you tired; they want you to feel like there is no escape, that your situation is unchangeable, and that no one will ever understand what you are going through. They’ll plant seeds of despair in your mind, making you think that you are isolated, that no one will believe your story, that you are stuck in this dark situation forever. Why do they do this? Because when you feel hopeless, you stop fighting back. You stop searching for a way out, and once you stop resisting, they have full control over you.

But here’s the truth: that hopelessness is an illusion. Understand that it’s something they create to keep you trapped, but your light is still there, burning beneath the surface. You are not as alone as they want you to believe, and there is a way out. The narcissist knows that once you find hope again, their days of control are over. That’s why they fight so hard to keep you in a state of despair—because they know that as long as you believe in your power, they have no hold over you.

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