How Do Narcissists Treat You When You Are Sick?

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Occasionally, a narcissist might appear to care for you while you’re sick—but this is often a performance for others. When there’s an audience, narcissists may go out of their way to play the role of a concerned partner, offering to help or acting as if they’re invested in your well-being. Behind closed doors, however, this façade disappears, and they return to their usual self-centered behavior.

6. Manipulation and Exploitation

Sickness is an opportunity for narcissists to exploit your vulnerability. They may manipulate you by making you feel guilty for needing help or reminding you later how much they “sacrificed” to care for you. This manipulation could also take the form of transactional care, where any assistance they provide comes with strings attached. Narcissists will make sure you “owe” them for every bit of help they offered.

7. Giving You the Cold Shoulder

If a narcissist doesn’t bother to berate or manipulate you while you’re sick, they may simply ignore you. They view you as useless when you’re unable to serve them, so they might withdraw entirely. You’ll find yourself alone in your suffering as they occupy themselves with things they find more important—whether it’s spending time with others or entertaining themselves.

8. Offering Conditional Care

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