Proof Narcissistic Abuse Can Alter Your DNA

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Here’s where it gets even more concerning: your body recognizes the narcissist’s DNA as foreign. It knows that this DNA didn’t originally belong to you, so it reacts to it like it would to a pathogen or threat. This can trigger your fight-or-flight response—a survival mechanism that prepares your body to flee from danger or fight it off. Because the narcissist’s DNA is still in your system, your body can remain in this heightened state of stress long after the relationship ends.

This constant hypervigilance doesn’t just wear you down emotionally; it has a direct biological effect on your nervous system and immune response. It’s as if your body is in a continuous loop of defending itself, unable to fully relax or heal. A person who has been out of an abusive relationship for years might still struggle with symptoms like chronic fatigue or even physical pain. This isn’t just in their head; it’s their body reacting on a cellular level to the trauma that’s still affecting their genes and DNA.

So, what does all this mean for your health? Being in a state of constant fight-or-flight is exhausting. It leads to chronic stress, which can manifest as depression and even physical problems like heart disease or autoimmune disorders. You may have noticed that after dealing with a narcissist, you’re more prone to getting sick, feeling fatigued, or struggling with ongoing health issues. Why is that? Your body is exhausted—it’s still trying to fend off the presence of their DNA.Continue reading on the next page

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