Why Victims of Narcissistic Abuse Experience Clutter in Their Homes

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Victims of narcissistic abuse might notice their homes are cluttered because the abuser used to control how things were done, including how their space was organized. Dr. Melanie Greenberg, a psychologist specializing in trauma, explains that this kind of control can lead to a chaotic environment as you struggle to reclaim your space and decisions after the abuse.

7. Undermining Efforts

No matter how hard you try to clean up, it may seem like your space always gets messed up again. Narcissists often undermine your efforts, either by creating more mess or by making you feel like your work doesn’t matter. Dr. Laura Berman, a relationship therapist, explains that this constant undermining can leave you feeling defeated and less motivated to keep your space tidy.

8. Projection

Projection is a tactic narcissists often use to shift their disorganization and chaos onto you, making you feel responsible for their mess. Dr. Nancy Kerr, a psychotherapist specializing in narcissistic abuse, explains that narcissists use this tactic to deflect blame and place the burden on you. Their disorder becomes your responsibility, making it harder to maintain a clean and organized space.

9. False Promises

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