How to Deal With a Narcissistic Mother (Stop Her!)

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The stress that comes with managing a narcissistic mother can take a toll on your mental health. It’s important to seek support, whether from a counselor or a support group. A counselor can help you develop healthy coping strategies and may even be able to speak with your mother professionally, helping her recognize the emotional harm she’s causing. This intervention might not completely change her, but it can help to bring some awareness to the dynamic and potentially ease the strain in the household.

5. Let Go of Unrealistic Expectations

Understand that you cannot fix the relationship alone. Trying to be a “perfect” child to make her happy or fulfill her needs is not your responsibility. You don’t need to prioritize her happiness above your own or make her feel special at your own expense. Being aware that you don’t have to “parent” your mother can relieve a huge weight from your shoulders. Letting go of the expectation that you can transform her or earn her approval is a critical step towards self-preservation.

6. Maintain Distance When Necessary

If things escalate or her behavior becomes harmful, it may be best to create some distance. Narcissistic parents can sometimes become verbally or emotionally abusive, so taking some time and space away from her can help you maintain peace and control over your mental health. Remember, sometimes the best way to stay happy while dealing with a narcissistic mother is to create physical or emotional distance. At times, taking a step back is the healthiest option, giving her time to adjust her priorities or even just to provide you with a needed break.

7. Don’t Try to Fix Her

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