When a narcissist makes people hate you, here’s what you have to do that you may never think

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You might find a silver lining in considering how the narcissist’s actions have revealed the truth about some of your relationships. It is essential to ascertain whether those who were easily convinced were genuine friends or merely acquaintances. I always advise individuals who have been affected by flying monkeys to act appropriately. Narcissists excel at controlling people and exploiting their vulnerabilities.

In these situations, it is crucial to be kind to those who may have allowed themselves to be deceived. Instead of denying the rumors, it is better to show empathy and acknowledge what it’s like for them to endure such a troubling experience. You might say that you’re sorry they found themselves in such a difficult situation and hope they know you well enough to recognize that the lies are untrue. Encourage them to speak to you directly in the future and let them know that you are always available to listen. You can use something that has hurt you to demonstrate your goodness and willingness to support others.

To counteract a narcissist’s darkness, you need to bring in the light. People who are narcissistic are primarily driven by fear, which leads them to use others as pawns in their games. When they spread falsehoods about you to turn others against you, it’s part of their cruel game. They attempt to trick as many people as possible into siding with them, making it a cruel contest of lies.

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