5 Powerful Ways To Manipulate a Narcissist

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Number five in the last one, makethem think they are in control.In hypnotherapy or covert hypnosis,there is a technique called double bind.Salesmen use it a lot.They will give you many options,two or more, but each optionwill lead to the same outcome.The problem is you won’t know that.They’ll make it seem like,Oh, you have choices.You can choose.from so many different options andyou’ll think you are the clever oneto choose the best for yourself.It’s a very clever technique thatmakes you choose what works for theperson who’s offering these choicesthat are fundamentally familiaror they benefit them the same way.So you will do the same thing.Let’s say, You want to go ona vacation and you have chosena few spots for yourself.You are going to present them,not as your choices, because theydon’t care about your choices.You are going to, number one, firstmake them about your children, thatyour child, the golden child, ifthere is one, or the one that’sliked the most by that narcissist.will present those choices on your behalfthat so and so wants to go to these,one, one of these places, you choose.Then they will choose thinking,oh, they have the power.They have decided for you, whenin reality, they didn’t choose.They only picked one from thelist that anyhow works for you.Another example that I give often, let’ssay you are in a financial battle, you’retrying to settle with a narcissist.They’re, they’re not willing.You don’t go in asking theamount that you actually want.You will ask for, let’s say, five,six times more than the actual amount.Let’s say you want five million dollars.You will not ask for fivebecause they won’t give you five.You will go for 10, 2x, or 15.More, knowing that person doesn’thave that kind of money or theywon’t give you that in any case.But they will bring it down.You might not even get 5, but around 5, 4.5, 4, something like that.Making them think they have won, theyare in control, and you have lost.So you have to sit with yourself.You have to ask, how can I createan illusion of control for thisnarcissist without trapping myself?What options can I offer?That will make them think they arechoosing for us when it’s me whois making them make these choices.


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