5 Powerful Ways To Manipulate a Narcissist

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In conclusion, I’m not asking you tobecome a narcissist, of course not.What I’m asking you to do is playsmart with that narcissist, withoutfully embodying those traits.You have to play these games becauseif you were to just be honest,cordial, respectful, and um, totallytransparent, you’re not going to win.You have to go in and you have tokeep your cards close to your chest.Let them make a moveand then you make yours.They should be the one initiatingthe process, because by doing soyou will create unpredictability,and when there is unpredictability,narcissist acts stupidly.That’s what you want.They do something reallyrandom, unexpected, no matterhow intelligent they are.And then, you gotta make your move.That’s how narcissist.Let me know if you have used any ofthese tactics, and if they helped.Share your experiences in the commentsbelow and I will talk to you inthe next one until then as alwaysLet the healing begin and continue

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