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What Happens When a Narcissist Can No Longer Hide From Their Karma? - Page 3 of 3 - narcissistic behavior

What Happens When a Narcissist Can No Longer Hide From Their Karma?

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As people grow tired of being manipulated, they begin to see through the narcissist’s facade. Over time, the narcissist’s need for approval and control backfires. They may go into overdrive, desperately seeking validation, or withdraw into themselves.

This pattern extends to their careers. Narcissists often climb the corporate ladder through charm and self-promotion, sometimes taking credit for others’ work. However, as colleagues recognize their manipulative behavior, the narcissist’s reputation suffers.

Relationships, whether personal or professional, are built on reciprocity, trust, and cooperation—qualities narcissists often lack. Their inability to foster genuine connections leads to their downfall.

The Bleak Conclusion

When narcissists can no longer manipulate others for approval, they are left with emotional solitude. They may attempt to rekindle past connections or resort to self-pity. However, their inability to sustain genuine relationships leaves them isolated.

As they grow older and burn bridges, they find themselves with no one to turn to. Their carefully constructed facade collapses, and they struggle to gain attention or approval. For many, this marks a bleak and lonely conclusion.

Can Narcissists Change?

In reality, narcissists rarely change. They lack the self-awareness to understand the consequences of their actions or how they affect others. This is a core aspect of their behavior.

It can be frustrating to see narcissists seemingly get away with their actions for a long time. However, remember that their world eventually falls apart. Lies cannot last forever—they always catch up with the liar.

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