Here’s Why Narcissists Will Always Betray You No Matter How Good You’re To Them

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Narcissists thrive on keeping secrets because it gives them a sense of power and superiority over others. This also ensures they garner more attention. They hold a particular secret above all others: one that impacts everyone involved and cannot be escaped.

It’s well-known that narcissists require a constant supply of attention and validation, also known as “narcissistic supply.” Being unfaithful or cheating on a relationship is a primary source of joy for them. In other words, disloyalty is their ultimate secret. Yes, cheating on their partner without getting caught is one of their greatest prides. For narcissists, it’s the best-kept secret in town.

In this article, we will explore some reasons why narcissists cheat, whom they’re most likely to cheat on, how they cheat, and how they respond when caught. It’s astonishing what you’ll uncover, but when dealing with narcissists, anything is possible.

Here are some reasons why narcissists will always go out of their way to find new conquests:

1. Narcissists Don’t Respect You or Anyone Else

Narcissists cheat because they only care about themselves. They lack respect for you or anyone else, which makes it easy for them to flirt with others and present themselves as available. They take advantage of people who care for them, only to discard them later. This lack of respect enables them to betray others effortlessly, especially when their partners are deeply invested in the relationship.

2. Dishonesty Is Their Strong Suit

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