5 Weird Behaviours Narcissists Try to HIDE from You

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The fourth behavior is using your rivals against you.

Narcissists intentionally bring up your competitors to make you feel insecure. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, they might praise someone who’s thinner than you. If you’re starting a business, they might talk about your more successful rivals to instill doubt and kill your enthusiasm.

They’ll also use subtle cues, like displaying items associated with your rivals, to remind you of your “inferiority.” This constant comparison is designed to crush your passion and dampen your spirit.

Behavior 5: Weaponizing Incompetence

Finally, the fifth behavior is weaponizing incompetence.

If you ask a narcissist for help, they’ll agree but deliberately do a poor job. This forces you to redo the task, making you hesitant to ask for help in the future.

They may also act immature or irresponsible. For instance, they might leave a mess after grooming themselves or refuse to clean up after themselves, expecting you to do it. This entitlement reinforces their control while increasing your workload and stress.

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