Why Narcissistic Abuse Creates a Cycle of Neglect and Self Sabotage

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Narcissistic abuse can erode your self-esteem over time. Hearing constant criticism may start to feel like it defines your worth. This negative self-talk can convince you that you don’t deserve care or kindness, leading to neglecting basic needs like eating, exercising, or resting.

Psychologist Dr. Kristen Neff reminds us: “Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.”

To break free from this cycle, remember that you are inherently worthy of care, regardless of what others say.

3. Self-Isolation

After experiencing narcissistic abuse, you might pull away from friends and family, thinking it’s easier to be alone. However, this self-isolation only deepens feelings of neglect and loneliness. You might feel misunderstood and shut people out, but doing so prevents you from receiving the support you need.

As therapist Dr. John Gottman explains: “Emotional connection is the key to healthy relationships.”

Reaching out to someone you trust—even if it feels uncomfortable—can help lighten your emotional burden and remind you that you’re not alone.

4. Codependency

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