Narcissists Would Go Quiet If They … [Silent Treatment at its worse]

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The silent treatment is a form of passive-aggressive emotional abuse where someone doesn’t say anything but instead communicates their feelings through body language. They may remain silent for days or even weeks. This behavior is a manipulative tactic, a way for the abuser to send a damaging and negative message without speaking a word.

There are various ways people use these manipulative tricks—it can be overt or covert, done in public or private. When a narcissist uses the silent treatment, they completely stop talking to you. But what drives them to stay quiet like this?

Three Main Reasons Why Narcissists Use the Silent Treatment

As many of you know, narcissists are clever manipulators. When they go silent, it’s not just because they’re upset; there’s often more to it. When a narcissist stops talking to the people around them, multiple factors may be at play.

1. They Feel Uncomfortable with How Things Are Playing Out

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