6 Reasons Why Narcissists are Mean To You

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Have you ever wondered why narcissists are mean?
I know it can be difficult for most of us to understand why narcissists behave the way they do. But if you have encountered a narcissist or known one, you probably understand how frustrating it can be.

Before we get to that part, let’s first take a moment to understand what narcissism is and why narcissists exist.

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder and mental condition in which a person has an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a strong need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. This personality disorder often causes issues in various aspects of life, including work, education, and relationships, affecting those closest to the narcissist.

Why Do Narcissists Exist?
Narcissism often develops due to trauma and early life experiences. Narcissistic traits are sometimes rooted in childhood contexts, usually marked by idealized parenting and excessive pampering.

Many narcissists are born with an oversensitive temperament and grow up with unrealistic expectations from parents. They may be excessively pampered or overindulged by family members or friends.

While they may have reasons for their behavior, we can’t deny that narcissists can be cruel, heartless, and malicious. They often lash out at loved ones, driven by deep self-loathing. No matter how much love or trust you give, a narcissist may discard your worth once they perceive your flaws.

6 Reasons Why Narcissists Are Mean

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