Narcissists need constant validation to feed their ego. Being forgotten is a severe blow to their sense of importance. Realizing the world doesn’t revolve around them can trigger desperate hoovering attempts or dramatic attention-seeking behavior.
6. Finding Someone Else
Seeing you with someone new hurts a narcissist deeply. While similar to “moving on,” this is particularly painful because it reminds them they’ve been replaced. They might attempt to hoover or sabotage your new relationship, fueled by jealousy and insecurity.
Final Thoughts
Narcissists won’t admit these things hurt them because of their pride and ego. They will eventually move on to new supply, as the cycle continues. However, this doesn’t mean these experiences don’t leave a lasting impact.
Rather than seeking revenge, focus on healing and doing what’s best for you. By doing so, you’ll naturally achieve many of the things on this list, reclaiming your power and happiness.
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