This Is How To Make A Narcissist Regret Every Cruel Thing They’ve Done To You

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Part Five: Prioritize Self-Care
Self-care is essential when dealing with narcissists. Recognize and regulate your emotions to avoid being overwhelmed. Maintain your physical health through nutritious foods, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. Indulge in enjoyable activities like walks or massages, and spend time with supportive family and friends to build your emotional foundation.

Improving your well-being diminishes the narcissist’s control over you.

Part Six: Cease Apologizing
Narcissists excel at making you feel at fault, even when they’re in the wrong. Stop apologizing unnecessarily—it’s akin to granting them permission to mistreat you. They’re not the victims; they’re causing harm. Resist guilt manipulation and stand your ground.

Part Seven: Disconnect Entirely
A practical strategy is to disengage from the narcissist entirely. Distance yourself and focus on personal growth. Surround yourself with empathetic friends and family while maintaining a safe distance. Your lack of response may induce introspection in the narcissist, making them reflect on their actions.

Part Eight: Concentrate on Your Objectives
Maintain emotional composure and redirect your focus to your goals and well-being. Ignore their manipulative attempts, establish clear boundaries, and prioritize self-preservation over retribution.

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