what a “collapsed narcissist” is and how it happens

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What is narcissistic supply? In its simplest form, it’s the attention of others that makes narcissists feel special and superior. They are absolutely addicted to it and completely dependent on it.

So, what happens when a narcissist collapses? While the specifics may vary, the general process involves public exposure of who they truly are and the terrible things they’ve done. Their mask of the false self is ripped off, leaving them exposed and vulnerable. This exposure causes them to lose their narcissistic supply, leading to a collapse.

A public example of a collapsed narcissist is the Harvey Weinstein case. Weinstein was one of the most powerful people in Hollywood but was later exposed as a serial predator and fraud who had been abusing people for decades. When survivors spoke out, he retaliated with stalking, harassment, smears, and career sabotage. Months later, as Weinstein appeared in court in handcuffs, wearing a prison uniform, sometimes using a walker to garner pity, he became an example of what a collapsed narcissist looks like.

It’s also important to note that narcissists can sometimes fake a collapse. For instance, if a romantic partner begins to uncover the narcissist’s true nature but is also trauma-bonded to them, the narcissist might pretend to collapse—begging for forgiveness, expressing regret, and promising to change. Sadly, in most cases, the victim wants to believe these promises and takes the narcissist back. Once the narcissist regains their supply, things usually return to their previous state—or worsen.

For a narcissist to truly collapse, the exposure must be public, with severe consequences that leave them in complete despair. However, some narcissists may avoid collapse altogether by simply relocating and starting over.

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