Narcissist Alert! 3 Hidden Facial Traits That Speak Louder Than Words

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Have you ever seen someone raise their eyebrows after speaking, as though silently requesting agreement or appreciation? Eyebrows provide the third facial clue for identifying a narcissist.

Narcissists often raise their eyebrows to draw others in and bolster their distorted self-image. If the response is not as expected, they may manipulate the situation to make you feel awkward or rude. Studies reveal that people can often identify narcissists based on their unique eyebrows alone.

For instance, Meghan Markle’s carefully groomed eyebrows have sparked speculation. Are they indicative of her personality or simply a cosmetic choice?

Tools for Empowerment:
If someone raises their eyebrows as a cue for validation, respond neutrally, such as saying, “That’s an interesting perspective.” If they persist in seeking approval or seem uncomfortable with neutrality, it might indicate a need for control. Stay objective and redirect the conversation to maintain your agency.

Understanding these facial cues—contemptuous smiles, intense stares, and eyebrow gestures—can help you recognize narcissistic behaviors early. Awareness enables you to safeguard your emotional well-being and maintain control in interactions.

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