What Happens When YOU Leave the Narcissist FIRST

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If you don’t return, narcissists can escalate their behavior, resulting in threats, harassment, and even dangerous situations. They may threaten to ruin your reputation, destroy your property, or manipulate your children. It’s essential to recognize that a narcissist does not operate with a sense of morality or conscience—they are willing to go to extreme lengths to regain control.

If all their tactics fail, their feelings toward you may turn into obsessive hatred. This could manifest in attempts to ruin your life, spread rumors, or harass you relentlessly. In some extreme cases, this obsession can last for years, as they see your decision to leave as a challenge to their authority.

Final Advice

If you’re leaving a high-spectrum malignant narcissist or sociopath, consider strategies to make them feel like they are “winning.” This may help reduce post-separation abuse. Remember, nothing is more important to a narcissist than maintaining the illusion of being the winner.

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