Narcissistic families thrive on competition, not cooperation. Narcissistic parents often triangulate and pit siblings against one another. Instead of fostering healthy relationships, siblings compete endlessly for the narcissistic parent’s attention and approval, which they’ll never truly achieve.
Rule #5: Feelings are Bad or Wrong
In a narcissistic family, expressing emotions is not allowed. Sensitive children are often mocked, ridiculed, or devalued for showing vulnerability. The rule is simple: “Suck it up and keep your mouth shut.”
Rule #6: Submission is Mandatory
Narcissistic families function as dictatorships. Members are expected to submit to the demands of the head narcissist without question. Independent thoughts or opinions are neither encouraged nor tolerated.
Rule #7: Image is Everything
Narcissistic families are obsessed with maintaining a perfect image to the outside world, even if it’s superficial and fake. They care more about appearances than morals, ethics, or genuine substance.
Rule #8: Someone Must Be Blamed
There is always a scapegoat in a narcissistic family. Internal problems are blamed on one family member, and external problems are blamed on someone outside the family. Accountability is nonexistent.
Rule #9: Denial Rules
Denial is a central feature of narcissistic families. Members are required to either genuinely deny the dysfunction or pretend to. The family dynamic is superficial, full of abuse, envy, and misery—yet everyone is expected to act like everything is fine.
Rule #10: Rage is Normalized
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