12 Reasons Why Going NO CONTACT Will Drive Narcissists Crazy

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Narcissists have unrealistic expectations of their partners. When you leave, the illusion of a perfect relationship shatters. They face the reality of having no one left to manipulate or blame, which drives them into a frenzy.

12. They Don’t Love You, But They Need You

For narcissists, love is not a genuine emotion—it’s a tool for control. When you leave, they lose their source of narcissistic supply, leaving them desperate to win you back. However, their actions are not rooted in love but in their need for dominance.


The purpose of the no-contact rule is not just to drive a narcissist insane but to protect and heal yourself. Loving a narcissist often results in more harm than good. By enforcing no contact, you reclaim your mental and emotional well-being. Remember, loving yourself should never come at the expense of tolerating abuse.

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