What Makes a Narcissist Unable To Sleep

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Today, I will be addressing the sleep patterns of covert narcissists and how these patterns affect their partners. Most importantly, I’ll discuss the circumstances in which a narcissist finds it very difficult to sleep.

So, let’s dive in and find out what makes narcissists unable to sleep.

Do Narcissists Sleep Well?

You may wonder if their so-called “evilness” affects their ability to sleep at night. Well, some narcissists do sleep well most of the time, and for those who don’t, it’s not because of guilt over their actions. Narcissists lack empathy and remorse—they are unbothered by the lies they tell or the people they hurt.

That said, some narcissists suffer from insomnia, while others do not. However, certain situations can make any narcissist lose sleep.

Before diving into those scenarios, I want to note that covert narcissists generally dislike living or sleeping alone. Just having someone beside them helps ease their fear-ridden minds.

Covert narcissists are often exhausted by the end of the day because of all the posturing and pretending they do. It takes a lot of effort to fake being someone they’re not. By the time they get home, they’re drained and of little use to their families.

The Struggle to Be Present

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