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Watch How A Narcissist Drains Your Sacred Soul Energy - narcissistic behavior

Watch How A Narcissist Drains Your Sacred Soul Energy

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The moment you meet a narcissist, they begin siphoning your spiritual energy without you even realizing it. That is the scariest part. Their abuse does not only impact you on a physical and psychological level but also on an energetic level, which is what we will discuss today.

We’re going to talk about how a narcissist becomes an energetic parasite that feeds off your life force. This is why, when you leave them, you often feel like a shell of your former self.

Fixing Their Life: The Unseen Cost
Number One: They put you in a state of constantly fixing their life and the relationship. You know how you walk on eggshells because something always seems wrong. The sky is falling, everything is doom and gloom, alarms are constantly blaring, and you never get to rest.

They turn you into the parent they never had—the mother who keeps chasing the narcissistic man or the father who gives his daughter all the attention she craves. You fix their credit, get them a car, pay the mortgage, work, raise their children, and somehow keep everything together, preventing total collapse.

But at what cost? At the expense of your life energy.

The universe has a strange way of maintaining balance. If you are benefiting in one aspect of your life, an equal and opposite force must balance it out. In this case, you give away a piece of yourself every day to keep the relationship afloat. The most dangerous part is that they are never grateful for the role you play in their life. They never acknowledge the energy you pour into them; they only drain it.

That is why I say: never fix a broken narcissist’s life. They will resent you for helping them. Their delusional mind convinces them that you are independent and need no help, which leads them to take revenge on you for proving their dependency. It’s a sick mentality, but it’s true. Over time, fixing their life drains you to the point where even the simplest tasks in your own life feel exhausting.

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