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Watch How A Narcissist Drains Your Sacred Soul Energy - Page 2 of 4 - narcissistic behavior

Watch How A Narcissist Drains Your Sacred Soul Energy

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Emotional Rollercoaster: Constant Highs and Lows
Number Two: They keep you in a constant state of emotional reactivity. Emotions are energy. Your brain and body allocate resources to create sensations around feelings—happiness, sadness, anger, or joy.

If you experience emotions all the time, you will inevitably feel overwhelmed. You need rest. You need moments of calm where you aren’t experiencing a rush of emotions because your system wasn’t designed to endure that level of intensity 24/7.

But in a narcissistic relationship, you are in that emotional rush constantly. And why is that? Because the narcissist needs supply from you. You are the source that keeps their empty vessel filled. If you try to rest, step away, or disengage from their drama, they will push your buttons to provoke an emotional reaction.

You remember how exhausted you felt after reacting emotionally? That’s because every time you did, you were literally giving them your energy. You were running their generator, keeping their power on, while they never gave you time to recharge.

Broken Promises: Building and Destroying Hope
Number Three: They build you up only to tear you down. They make promises only to break them.

On an energetic level, a promise is an energetic bond. It’s a transfer of energy. If someone promises you a family or a better future, they tie you to a vision that requires your energy to sustain.

You know how narcissists future-fake. They promise the world: “I will be your dream partner,” “We will have the most amazing life together.” But instead of delivering dreams, they deliver nightmares.

Each broken promise drains your energy. It’s like building a castle in your mind, only for it to be burned down. The grief of losing something that was never real still takes a toll. You must process the disappointment, let go of anger, and mourn the loss of a dream that was never meant to be.

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